The Weekly Moos

Agriculture has always played an important part in the economy of our state and the greater Northwest as a whole.  This week, we’re highlighting an historic Pullman Herald (WA) article that offers a thoughtful and detailed analysis of the dairy industry in our region.  Note the central role that geographic and climate diversity play in the production of dairy products: dairymen on the “dry side” of the Cascades face a different set of opportunities and challenges than their colleagues on the “wet side.”  Also of interest is the prescience displayed by the author of this article (published in 1915)  in his anticipation of certain supply-and-demand trends that would continue to impact the dairy industry throughout the remainder of the century.

Herd of typical Northwest dairy stock of the early 20th Century, from The Ranch (Seattle, WA), Dec. 15, 1913, pg.1

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