We are proud to announce that our Historic Oregon Newspapers website has been moved out of Beta and officially launched.
During the months when it was in Beta, the site received over 70,000 views. Many followers of this Blog were doubtlessly numbered among those visitors. While we will still be making additions and alterations to the site in the months ahead, you now may be assured that basic functionality has been thoroughly tested and debugged… in other words, the thing is working dependably! You can now expect a site viewing and searching experience free of drops, stops and hiccups. (Well, mostly… it is the Internet, after all!)
For those who are already regular visitors of the site: thanks for bearing with us throughout the development phase.
For those who are just discovering it for the first time: more than 180,000 pages of Oregon’s newspaper heritage are at your fingertips!
![website new map](http://odnp.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/website-new-map.jpg)