Although I am not supposed to use the term ‘archive’ for the results of our digitization project (microfilm remains the official archival medium of newspaper content) — the internet ‘archiving’ of cultural materials is a buzz-worthy topic in the news of late.
Especially with the recent launch of Google’s Art Project, there is a growing sense that the time for ambitious, full-scale digitization of cultural relics and resources has finally arrived. Technology is evolving to the point that the ‘library experience’ and the ‘museum experience’ can now be replicated with a high degree of sophistication in an online environment.
“Images are no longer just uploaded onto a website, but can be made stimulating and engaging,” observes Nicholas Serrota, director of the Tate Gallery in London.

Digitized newspapers and paintings are just the beginning: see The best online culture archives, Florence Waters’ recent Telegraph (UK) article with links to help you explore 15 of the top websites. You probably will be amazed by what is available–whether your interest is in art, poetry, film, history, textiles, or even spelunking!