Oregon Digital Newspaper Program Update

This fiscal year we added 87,606 pages of historic and currently published newspapers to the ODNP site!

We made improvements to the system and workflow for handling currently published e-editions of newspapers, and we are looking forward to adding more content this next year. There are several digitization projects underway!

Also, we have a few exciting additions to the goals of ODNP for next year:

To assist the public with fundraising for historic newspaper digitization, we will be creating a fundraising how-to guide with resources, strategies, and grant writing best practices for users of ODNP around the state to fund newspaper digitization.

We are also looking forward to updating the website with better usability, features, and search functionalities. The new blog header, designed by Azle Malinao-Alvarez, provides a small preview of the upcoming updates to the look and feel.

Please be sure to check the blog frequently for new posts. This year, we will be focusing on finding connections between the ODNP collections and other UO Library collections in our Special Collections and University Archives and Oregon Digital. See our most recent blog post by our student Jane Conway, which features Colonel John “Watermelon” Redington (1851-1935), an Oregon scout turned newspaper editor.

Thanks to the ODNP team for their hard work and agility this year as we have been refining the digital and born-digital processes and workflows. A special thank you to our programmer, Jeremy, and our production manager, Randy, who have worked the hardest on this project to create better systems for quality assurance.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please let us know!

-Sarah and Carolina

3 comments on “Oregon Digital Newspaper Program Update

  1. I’m so excited! I see you have a historic newspaper called the Coastal Mail in Coos Bay. My great great grandfather died in Coos bay April 16th 1898. His name was Daniel S. Grow. You have the weekly newspaper for April 23, but it is not digitized. There are only two papers for April and this is the one his obit would be in, if they had obits in those days in Coos Bay. I have been searching for information on the names of his parents. Do you know how I would be able to see that edition of that newspaper?

  2. I’m sorry. The newspaper is “The Coast Mail” in Marshfield, not the Coastal Mail in Coos Bay. my great great grandfather is buried in the Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery. He lived in Coos Bay. He died April 16th 1898.


    Kathryn Grow

  3. Hi Kathryn,

    Unfortunately, the website is a little misleading regarding this particular issue. We actually do not have this one on microfilm, which is why nothing was digitized.

    If you haven’t already, I would check with the local library there and see if they have that specific issue on microfilm. Sometimes public libraries will have more complete runs of their local papers.

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