The Blue Jewel of Oregon

It’s officially summertime, and here at the ODNP, one of our favorite things about this glorious season in the Pacific Northwest is visiting Crater Lake without the hindrance of snow. Not only do the lake and surrounding landscapes provide breathtaking views and recreational enjoyment; historic newspaper communications played a significant role in advocating for the preservation of the lake and the creation of Crater Lake National Park.

Image of a hand pointing to text that reads: Crater Lake is Open! Finest scenic trip in Oregon now ready for you inspection. Full details at stage office. Western Transfer Company. 419 Main Street, Klamath falls, phone 187
The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) July 11, 1921, PAGE SIX, Image 6.

High along the crest of the Cascade Mountain Range in southern Oregon, the magnificent blue lake sparkles as a symbol of both geological and cultural change. The Native American nations of the region, including the Takelma, Upper Umpqua, Molala, and the Klamath people, descendents of the Makalak Nation, have many stories about the formation and existence of the lake, all of which portray the site as a venerable place of great and often dangerous power.

Image of mountains, one with a crater at the top, with test stating: How Crater Lake was formed.
The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) July 20, 1902, PART THREE, Page 21, Image 21.

Crater Lake was created by an ancient volcano, now known as Mount Mazama, that once reached a soaring height of 12,000 feet, slightly taller than Mount Hood (11,240 feet) but not quite as tall as Mount Shasta (14,179 feet). Approximately 7700 years ago, Mt. Mazama erupted violently, spreading volcanic debris all over Oregon and leaving a huge caldera where the mountain once stood. Over about 750 years, the crater filled with rainwater and snowmelt to form the deepest lake in the United States – 1943 feet deep – at about five by six miles wide. Legends indicate that Native Americans witnessed the eruption of Mt. Mazama and have known about the lake ever since, but early European explorers and traders were never told about the lake because it was believed to be sacred.

Photo of Wizard Island in Crater Lake, covered with snow.
The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) January 14, 1906, PART FOUR, Page 45, Image 45.

No rivers flow into or out of Crater Lake; it is completely contained, and evaporation and precipitation continually refresh the lake’s water supply, making it the cleanest water in the world. Later volcanic eruptions formed Wizard Island, the signature landmark that rests in the west side of the lake.

Color image of Crater Lake
Wizard Island in Crater Lake. The black and white images found in our historic newspapers do little justice to the dazzling blue color of Crater Lake. Photo by Stuart Seeger.

Europeans first set eyes on the brilliant blue water in 1853, but excitement about the “discovery” took a backseat to the urgency of the gold rush at the time. The first published account of the lake didn’t appear until about ten years later, when Chauncy Nye, leader of an exploratory expedition that stumbled upon the lake in the Cascades, submitted a descriptive article to Jacksonville’s Oregon Sentinel on November 8, 1862:

Excerpt from the first published description of Crater Lake, written by Chauncy Nye: "Before us, and at our feet, lay a large lake, encircled on all sides by steep and almost perpendicular bluff banks, fully as high as that we were standing upon. The circumference of this lake was could not estimate at less than twenty-five miles, and from the banks down to the water, not less than three thousand feet. At no place could we see the remotest chance of being able to climb down to the water, without aid of long ropes and rope ladders. Near the south end of the lake rises a butte island, several hundred feet high, and drifts of snow lay clinging to the crevices of the rocky banks. The waters were of a deep blue color, causing us to name it Blue Lake.
Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) November 08, 1862, Image 2.

Dissemination of information about the lake’s location and striking appearance via Oregon’s early newspapers soon led others to explore the area, and word quickly spread about the lake’s intense beauty. In 1869, editor of the Sentinel, James M. Sutton, led another expedition to the lake and wrote an article for the Jacksonville newspaper in which he referred to the lake for the first time as “Crater Lake”:

Newspaper clipping reads: Crater Lake. In approaching the lake from whatever direction, we had to ascend a mountain; it being located on a high point of the dividing ridge of the cascade mountains. From the south we gradually ascended the mountain through heavy open timber, principally hemlock and spruce, until within two hundred yards of the lake, when we passed out of the timber into a fine grassy lawn mottled with sealberry and other flowering shrubs peculiar to high regions.
Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) August 21, 1869, Image 2.

In 1870, William Gladstone Steel , a young boy living in Kansas at the time, happened to see an article about Crater Lake in the newspaper page that had been used to wrap his lunch. The description fascinated him, and he promised himself that he would visit the lake someday. Steel and his family soon moved to Portland, Oregon, and he was finally able to visit Crater Lake 15 years after he first set eyes on the newspaper article. After viewing the lake for himself, his mind was made up to do whatever it took to preserve the lake as a public park. Steel was included in the first expedition to create a map of the lake in 1886, and he spent the next 16 years lobbying and rallying support for the preservation of Crater Lake.

Birds eye view map of Crater Lake.
Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) January 01, 1913, NEW YEAR’S EDITION, PAGE EIGHT, Image 8.

In 1893, the lake was included in the Cascade Range Forest Reserve, which offered some protection from mining and lumber interests, but Steel was not satisfied until Crater Lake was officially made into a National Park on May 22, 1902.

Newspaper article reads: Creation of a Park. This wonderful lake was first visited by white men June 12, 1853, and in the early days of Oregon was known as Lake Mystery, Deep Blue Lake, Lake Majesty, Hole in the Ground, and finally as Crater Lake. On August 16, 1885, the work of agitation for a National Park was begun, and on May 22, 1902, President Roosevelt signed Congressman TOngue's bill, and Crater Lake National Park became a permanent fixture in the laws of the country. Immediately thereafter Mr. Tongue secured an appropriation of $2000, and W.F. Arent, of Klamath County, was appointed superintendent. He is deeply interested in the lake and the region surrounding it, and I believe, Is the right man in the right place. I do not know on what plan the park will be managed, but, in my opinion, before improvements are commenced a broad and comprehensive plan should be devised, not only for present needs, but for the future too.
The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) August 31, 1902, PART FOUR, Page 29, Image 29.

Discussions of building a road to Crater Lake began soon after, in order to improve accessibility to the natural wonder for all people to see.  Controversy surrounding the Crater Lake road system can be traced through Oregon’s historic newspapers, with discussions of the pros and cons of building the roads and especially concerns about the monetary cost of the project:

Newspaper clipping reads: The United States government is spending, under direction of the war department three-fourths of a million dollars in improving and constructing a system of highways around Crater Lake. One hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars has been already appropriated, half of which was spent the last season, and $200,000 additional requested for use the coming year, with $100,000 additional each succeeding year.
Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) January 01, 1914, NEW YEAR’S EDITION, HIGHWAY SECTION, PAGE FOUR, Image 30.

The road construction effort proved essential to a greater scientific understanding of the lake, allowing geographers, botanists, and other researchers to visit and study the area:

Images of several old style automobiles lined up, with people in and around them. Caption reads: 33 Automobiles Convey Visiting Geographers from Medford to Crater Lake.
Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) January 01, 1913, NEW YEAR’S EDITION, PAGE EIGHT, Image 8.
Black and white image of four men, with caption: World Famous Botanists on Visit to Crater Lake. Bottom - Dr. Tansley of the University of Cambridge, Dr. Paulsen of the University of Copenhagen, Dr. Rubel of the University of Zurich, and Professor Fuller of the University of Chicago in a Rogue River valley orchard.
Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) January 01, 1914, NEW YEAR’S EDITION, HIGHWAY SECTION, PAGE FOUR, Image 30.

Geological and ecological researchers continue to visit Crater Lake today, and thanks to the ease of access provided by roads, people from all over the world can enjoy the wonderful sights, hike the trails, swim in the lake, and go camping:

Drawing of three tents with people standing around. Caption reads: Camping at Crater Lake.
The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) August 31, 1902, PART FOUR, Page 29, Image 29.

As the summer sun melts the accumulation of snow along the ridge of the Cascades, the temperature warms up and conditions for enjoying the outdoors at Crater Lake are ideal. Summer brings many opportunities, but a visit to Crater Lake is one of the most unique experiences that Oregon has to offer in the summer months. In the words of William Gladstone Steel, “father” of Crater Lake National Park:

Newspaper article reads: Crater Lake is beginning to be talked about in other states than Oregon, and well it may, for it stands alone in its class in all this world. It has no peer, no rival, to divide its charms, but stands alone, the one, the only Crater Lake. Many years ago, when standing on its walls with the late Professor Le Conte, I asked him how it compared with the Yellowstone or Yosemite. With deep emotion he replied: "Yellowstone has its glories, and so have the Yosemite and Crater Lake, but their grandeur is not in common. You cannot compare unlike things. There is but one Crater Lake!" The overpowering impressiveness of its grandeur cannot be described, and no idea of its masterful influence over the human mind can be conveyed by words. It must be seen to be appreciated.
The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) August 31, 1902, PART FOUR, Page 29, Image 29.

Sources and additional information:

Crater Lake: History. National Park Service and U.S. Dept. of the Interior; Crater Lake National Park, 2010. Web. 29 June, 2012. < >

Crater Lake Institute. Web. 3, July, 2012. < >

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. National Park Service and U.S. Department of the Interior, 2012. Web. June, 2012. < >

Crater Lake Reflections: Visitor’s Guide. National Park Service and U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Summer/Fall 2012. Web. 29 June, 2012. < >

Oregon Secretary of State. “Oregon Focus: Native American Legends: Crater Lake.”  Oregon Blue Book. 2012. Web. 29 June, 2012. < >

Fortunes Forecast, Lucky Charms!

Have you ever wondered what your future holds? Will you find success? True love? Is it possible that the alignment of the planets and stars, your first name, or the lines on the palm of your hand could provide the keys to predicting and planning for your future? Oregon’s historic newspapers reveal that fortune telling and divination were often newsworthy topics of interest in the early 20th century, touching on notions that continue to fascinate people and spark discussions of belief today.

cartoon image depicts a little girl reading her father's palm. She says, "Daddy, you are going to get a necktie, a pair of slippers, suspenders, and a bath robe for Christmas, and..." The father is thinking, "Wonderful!" The mother is running down the stairs looking worried, saying, "Dorothy, come here this instant!" It is obvious that the mother is upset that the daughter is giving away the father's Christmas suprises.
The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) December 23, 1920, PAGE THREE, Image 3.

Many contemporary newspapers have continued to uphold the practice of publishing daily or weekly horoscopes based on the astrological signs of the zodiac, a tradition that stems from the forecasts of almanac publications. Almanacs generally predict astronomical events, weather patterns, tides, and any other natural events related to the movement of the earth, sun, and solar system. Humans have historically relied on these movements for navigation, as well as to measure time and determine when to plant and harvest crops. Centuries of observation have revealed celestial patterns and allowed for predictions of cosmic events, such as eclipses and the appearance of constellations. The Peruna Almanac, a yearly publication produced by the Peruna Drug Manufacturing Company around the turn of the century, is described briefly in this advertisement:

Text describes the contents of a new farmer's almanac: The Peruna Almanac. The druggists have already been supplied with Peruna Almanacs. There is sure to be a great demand for these almanacs on account of the articles on astrology which they contain. The subject of astrology is a very attractive one to most people. The articles on astronomy in the Peruna almanac have been furnished by a very competent astrologist, and the mental charateristics of each sign is given, constituting almost a complete horoscope. A list of lucky and unlucky days for each month are given. There will be a rush for these books. Ask your druggist for one early before they are all gone.
East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, Umatilla Co., Or.) January 15, 1902, Image 6.

Almanac forecasts have not always proven to be correct, and horoscope predictions are not always accurate either. Take, for example, the questionable assertions in this Scorpio horoscope from 1908:

Text reads: "After the 26th of October will be under the influence of the zodiacal Scorpio the crustacean. Persons born in Scorpio are lobsters, and are mostly actors and baseball players. They have remarkable foresight. Among other things, they can tell when the hired girl is going to quit, and always give her notice first."
The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) September 28, 1908, Image 2.

The stars may or may not have the power to determine a person’s personality and fate, but what about names? According to this segment in The Springfield News, a person’s name can determine their lucky days, lucky numbers, and talismanic stones:

Clipping reads: "What's in a name?" Facts about your name; its history; meaning; whence it was derived; significance; your lucky day and lucky jewel. By Mildred Marshall
The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) May 12, 1921, PAGE THREE, Image 3.

For example, Dorothy:

Text reads: Dorothy's talismanic gem is the diamond. It is said to afford her protection from evil and bring her great happiness. As the old legend goes: "The Evil Eye shall have no power to harm him that shall wear a diamond as a charm." Saturday is her lucky day and 2 her lucky number, while the flower assigned to her is the daisy, signifying innocence.
The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) March 31, 1921, PAGE THREE, Image 3.


Text reads: Lucretia's talismanic stone is the red-hearted ruby. It has the power to bring her strength of body, an invincible spirit and success in every undertaking. Tuesday is her lucky day, and 6 her lucky number.
The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) May 26, 1921, PAGE THREE, Image 3.


Text reads: Sadie has a curious talismanic gem - malachite. If it is engraved with an image of the sun, it will bring her peace, freedom from danger and disease, and sound sleep. It is particularly lucky for children, and it is said that a piece of malachite tied to a child's cradle will protect it from dangers throughout later life. Saturday is Sadie's lucky day and 7 her lucky number.
The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) May 12, 1921, PAGE THREE, Image 3.

Thanks to publications such as newspapers, we have a good idea of what has taken place in the past. We also know what is happening in the present, since we are currently living in it. The future, however, will always continue to pose one of the greatest mysteries of all, unless some sort of science can be developed to travel forward in time or otherwise accurately predict the future…

Newspaper clipping presents an image of a woman, and two palms. Text reads: Palmestry is a science. The future unveiled. Miss Linn Wardell, Rooms 7 and 8, 106 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Miss Linn Wardell, the world's scientific palmist.
The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) February 21, 1903, PAGE SEVEN, Image 7.

The earliest Latin manuscript that describes divination based on appearance of the hands was written in the 12th century by a Christian monk. However, palmistry, otherwise known as chiromancy, has been practiced by people all over the world since the dawn of civilization. This simple diagram gives some indication of where to look and what to look for if you are interested in trying your hand at palm reading:

Image of a palm, with all of the lines on the palm drawn and labeled, indicating the "line of fate," "line of life," "line of mars," etc.
The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) February 21, 1903, PAGE SEVEN, Image 7.

However, the meaning of these lines and markings is very much open to interpretation, so you might want to seek professional help for all of your palm reading needs. In the early 1900s, people with questions about their lives and futures could always go to a professional palmist and fortune teller like Madam Rosa:

Classified advertisement reads: Madam Rosa: palmist and fortune teller. Tells your past, present and future, and will help you in your life. Tells you of your business, tells you of your lost lover and love affairs. Extra questions, extra charges. This wonderful lady will answer any question that you want to know and find out. Two questions go with each fortune.
The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) August 26, 1920, PAGE EIGHT, Image 8.

From personal relationships to business endeavors, it’s comforting when a fortune teller confirms your highest hopes:

Newspaper article reads: Much Activity in Oil Fields: fortune teller predicts success of Vale oil field - Western Pacific Drilling - others to operate. The big drill is now pounding away at the Western Pacific oil well in Sand Hollow. The company secured water at a depth of 220 feet and will no longer be forced to haul water for the boilers and general use. The Enterprise will begin next week and publish the log of the bog 14 inch well. Mystery Lady Predicts Success. Lore, the mystic fortune teller at the Rex Theatre in Vale Thursday evening, was asked "Will the Western Pacific Oil and Gas company strike oil?" She answered that they would strike oil at the present site and in many other places and the development of the field would accomplish wonderful things for the city of Vale.
Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) April 07, 1917, Image 1.

While there are a plethora of ways to predict the future, it is possible that no one will ever know for sure what the future holds. Ideas of time, the past, present and future all depend on perspective. For example, what was considered to be “the future” by the people who actually read these historic newspapers in print on the day of publication, is in fact the present time that we are living in now. Therefore, could we technically say that we are living in “the future” now?  Could any fortune teller have predicted that in the year 2012, early 20th century newspapers would be made available for searching and browsing online via the internet?

Image of the lines on the palm of a hand.
The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) February 21, 1903, PAGE SEVEN, Image 7.

Just in case your mind is not already boggled with thoughts about time, the cosmos, and fortune telling, here are a few more questions that should keep you pondering throughout the day: If we could time travel, would we still worry and wonder about the future? Would you really want to know everything that was going to happen to you in your life, before it happened? Is the future ruled by destiny and fate, or do we ultimately determine what happens in our own lives with the decisions that we make? Whatever conclusions you come to, just remember to enjoy the present as much as possible, because it will soon be part of the past!

Outside Perspectives on Oregon News

Oregon’s history is not only accessible for searching and browsing through Oregon’s historic newspapers. Several newspapers from other states, available for keyword-searching online through the Library of Congress and National Endowment for the Humanities’ Chronicling America website, can yield a wealth of articles about Oregon. Below you’ll find a few examples of topics and articles that are available, with links arranged by newspaper “sections.”

A newspaper page from The San Francisco Call, March 25, 1900, featuring images of women from Oregon.
The San Francisco call. (San Francisco, Calif.) March 25, 1900, Image 12.


“How We Got Oregon” – A reporter from the Salt Lake Herald (UT) visits the Umatilla Indian Reservation in 1903, and is told a story from pioneer days

“Lewis & Clark Centennial” – Account of the 1905 Exposition in Portland, from the San Francisco Call (CA)

Advertisement for the Great Northern Railway, taken from The Appeal, a newspaper from Saint Paul, Minnesota, on April 29, 1905. Advertisement states: "Scenic suprises all the way to the Lewis and Clark Exposition in Portland, Oregon, if you travel via the Great Northern Railway, the comfortable way, the height of travel and comfort afforded by two through transcontinental trains daily. Tourist sleepers, palace sleepers, buffet library cars, dining cars, a trip acorss the mountains by daylight.
The appeal. (Saint Paul, Minn.) April 29, 1905, Minnesota Law Supplement, Page 24, Image 29.


“Women’s Battle For The Ballot” – Story about the narrow defeat of Oregon’s proposed 1906 equal suffrage amendment, from the Washington Times (DC)

“Political Depravity In Oregon” – The Washington Herald (DC) details a land fraud scandal that was sullying Oregon politics in 1906


“Home Again From The Willamette” – 1893 account of business opportunities in Oregon, from the San Francisco Morning Call (CA)

“Dairy Production In The Pacific Northwest” – 1915 article from the Pullman Herald (WA) with in-depth analysis of agricultural economics in our region

Headline from Ranch and Range, a newspaper from Washington state, August 13, 1898, reads: "Agriculture in Oregon. Remarkable resources, present condition and future developement, stock to be pre-eminent. By Thos. Shaw, professor of the bureau of animal husbandry of the University of Minnesota."
Ranch and range. (North Yakima, Wash.) August 13, 1898, Image 4.
Image of three cows in association with an article about agriculture in Oregon from Ranch and Range, a newspaper from North Yakima, Washington, August 13, 1898.
Ranch and range. (North Yakima, Wash.) August 13, 1898, Image 4.


“Oregon’s Two Climates” – From 1905, the Washington Times (DC) explains our prevailing weather patterns

Leisure & Lifestyles:

“Pendleton’s First Round-Up” – A long-running Oregon tradition begins in 1910, with the San Francisco Call (CA) reporting


“N.W. Conference To Remain” – 1915 item from the Pullman Herald (WA) recounts the beginning of the Pac-10 athletic conference

“Best Eleven Won” – The University of Oregon plays in its first Rose Bowl on New Year’s Day of 1917, as reported by the Evening Ledger of Philadelphia (PA)

Photograph from a football game between Oregon and Pennsylvania teams, published in the Evening Public Ledger of Philadephia, Pennsylvania on January 10, 1917. Caption reads: "At the new year football game - Huntington, of Oregon, starts around Penn's left end, aided by compact interference."
Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia, Pa.) January 10, 1917, Night Extra, Image 16.

Sustainable Energy

Hot water, lights, refrigerators, computers and cell phones are just a few examples of everyday necessities that are reliant on some sort of power source, and it’s often difficult not to take these things for granted. A look through the pages of historic newspapers reminds us that while basic forms of power and energy have been utilized by humans for hundreds of years, perspectives on old ideas are continually refreshed over time.

Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) January 01, 1910, Section 2, PAGE TWO, Image 14.

The question is, will any invention ever be “perfect,” or will there always be room for improvement? It has taken several centuries and the hard work and dedication of countless individuals and groups to fine-tune the forms of power that we use today. The development and use of electricity is a perfect example, as one of the most commonly promoted power sources in early 20th century newspaper articles and advertisements.

Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) January 01, 1904, Special Annual Edition, PART TWO, Image 32.

In about 600 B.C., Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus observed that by creating friction with a piece of amber, it could attract lightweight objects, like feathers, with what we know today to be static electricity (1). About 1000 years later, English scientist William Gilbert coined the term “electricity” from the Greek word for amber, ηλεκτρον, or elektron (2). Over the next several centuries, numerous experiments were conducted to find out more about the properties of electricity, one of the most famous being Benjamin Franklin’s kite and key lightning rod test in 1752 (3). The 19th century brought the invention and development of the electric battery (4), the electric motor (5), and industrial use of electricity. In the late 1800s, electric light bulbs were introduced, and electric companies and power stations began to operate in the United States, although only half of homes in the U.S. had electric power by 1925 (6).

Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) January 01, 1901, ANNUAL NUMBER 1901, FIRST SECTION, Page 3, Image 3.

In the early 1900s, electricity was portrayed as an optimal commodity, with an emphasis on the benefits of electric lighting as comparable to the luxuries of “sewers,” “cement walks,” and “filtered water,” as seen in this ad to attract residents to the city of Gold Hill, Oregon:

Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) January 01, 1912, NEW YEAR’S EDITION, COUNTY SECTION, PAGE THREE, Image 11.

Electric lights were encouraged to increase profits for businesses:

Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) January 01, 1906, PART TWO, Page 24, Image 24.
Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) January 01, 1911, NEW YEAR’S EDITION, ORCHARD SECTION, Page 7, Image 22.

As well as to ensure home security:

Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) January 01, 1911, NEW YEAR’S EDITION, ORCHARD SECTION, Page 7, Image 22.

A century later, advertisements like these are seldom seen. In the United States at least, electric lights are prevalent and expected in all places, indoors and out. However, use of electricity still comes at a price. While lightning and static are forms of electricity that can be found in nature, it is difficult to harness these energies, and electricity itself is not readily available for use; it must be generated from natural resources with the help of human intervention. We have become so accustomed to flicking light switches and plugging in appliances that we often don’t think twice about the true sources of our electrical power.

Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) January 01, 1913, NEW YEAR’S EDITION, MEDFORD SECTION, PAGE EIGHT, Image 16.

In short, electricity is created when electrons are manipulated to flow along a circuit path, which typically involves the use of pressurized steam to turn turbines that then rotate a coiled wire surrounded by a giant magnet, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy through electromagnetic induction (7). The burning of fossil fuels, such as natural gas, coal, and oil, is often the method by which water is heated to create the necessary steam. However, we now know that harvesting these resources can be dangerous, and combustion of these materials produces pollutants that are harmful to humans and the environment. Plus, fossil fuels are available only in limited supplies, so if we continue to use them, we will eventually run out. With the current controversies surrounding oil drilling and fracking for natural gas, it is questionable as to whether some of today’s fuel suppliers are more interested in providing sustainable power sources for society, or if they simply just want to make a quick profit. This clip from 1902 reveals that production and marketing concerns were just as prevalent back then as they are today:

The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) September 24, 1902, Page 15, Image 15.

Aside from fossil fuels, electricity can be derived from nuclear fission, water, wind and solar energy.  Nuclear power was unheard of in the early 1900s; nuclear reactors, fueled by uranium, are a more modern source of electricity. However, uranium is extremely radioactive, making it dangerous to mine and use, and nuclear power plant disasters have littered the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Rushing water is capable of turning turbines without causing pollution, but massive amounts of water must be available, typically provided by the construction of dams. Hydroelectric power has prevailed in the Pacific Northwest, thanks to the abundance of rivers that flow through the region. In fact, in 1889, the Willamette Falls power station in Oregon City became the first AC (alternating current) hydroelectric generator and the first plant to transmit electricity over long distances in the United States (10).

Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) January 01, 1901, ANNUAL NUMBER 1901, FIRST SECTION, Page 3, Image 3.

While hydroelectric power was seen as a great idea at the time and a way to decrease the use of exhaustible fossil fuels throughout the 20th century, the dams that are required to sustain power generation have proven to be harmful to salmon and other fish populations, as well as natural river ecosystems as a whole, and dams have been known to fail and break over time, causing destruction to surrounding areas. By the end of the 20th century, the Pacific Northwest hosted at least 58 hydroelectric dams that provided 63% of the region’s electricity (8, 9). The U.S. government has already begun to remove dams that have been identified as particularly threatening (11).

The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) May 02, 1921, PAGE TWO, Image 2.

Wind is another energy source that has been around for a long time; as early as 5000 B.C., wind was utilized to move boats up and down the Nile River (12). Windmills also have a long history, taking many shapes over the centuries, and this clip from 1920 illustrates innovations on the ancient concept:

The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) December 30, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, PAGE 6, Image 6.

Wind turbines were used to generate electricity in Denmark as early as 1890, but it wasn’t until 1980 that the first official wind farm opened in the U.S. Like all forms of energy, there are positive and negative aspects of utilizing the power of the wind, but today’s futuristic-looking windmills seem to be working rather well to generate electricity in windy places (12).

The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) November 17, 1907, SUNDAY EDITION, Page 3, Image 3.

Solar power, seemingly a recent concept, is actually another idea that has been toyed with for centuries (13). In the late 1800s and early 1900s, in sunny places like California, Arizona and Hawaii, water pipes were sometimes installed on the rooftops of houses, allowing the sun to heat household water:

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) January 19, 1912, SECOND EDITION, Page SEVEN, Image 7.
The only drawback to this apparatus was that water stored in tanks would cool down overnight, so hot water was not always readily available. Today, special mirrors are used to focus heat from the sun to boil water for the steam needed to generate electricity, and photovoltaic cells made of silicon are capable of conducting electricity that can be stored in batteries.

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) June 30, 1901, PART TWO, Page 18, Image 18.

Developments in solar power have historically taken a back seat to the cheaper and more readily available fossil fuels, but as we move forward in time, new developments will become old news, and perhaps some day every house and building will have solar panels or electricity-generating windmills that will be a regular part of daily life. Just as we find it hard to imagine using candles, kerosine lamps and iceboxes today, future generations might eventually be baffled at the idea of burning fossil fuels to generate electricity. In 100 years it is likely that people will have made innovations in power sources that we haven’t even imagined yet; only time will tell. Until then, let us use our energy wisely and appreciate the true sources of our electricity.

Sources and additional information:

1) “electromagnetism.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 10 May, 2012. <>

2) “William Gilbert (1544-1603).” History – Historic Figures. BBC, 2012. Web. 10 May, 2012. <>

3) “Ben Franklin’s Lightning Rod.” Ben Franklin. The Franklin Institute, 2012. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

4) Decker, Franco (Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Rome). “Volta and the ‘Pile.’” Electrochemestry Encyclopedia. Ed. Zoltan Nagy, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Case Western Reserve Univ. Chemical Engineering Dept. and Ernest B. Yeager Center for Electrochemical Sciences., 2005. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

5) “Faraday Motor.” Museum of Electricity and Magnetism. Magnet Lab: National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Florida State Univ., Los Alamos National Laboratory, Univ. of Florida, National Science Foundation, and the State of Florida, 1995-2012. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

6) “The Electric Light System.” Thomas Edison: National Historical Park, New Jersey. National Park Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 2012. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

7) “The Energy Story.” Energy Quest. California Energy Commission, 1994-2012. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

8) Bothun, Greg. “Cheap Energy vs. the Environment: The case of Hydroelectric Power: Historic Growth of Hydroelectric Power.” Alternative Energy and Renewable Energy Resources. Dept. of Physics, University of Oregon, 1998. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

9) “Hydropower: Licensed to Protect the Environment.” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Communications and External Relations, 2008. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

10) “History of Station A.” History of the Willamette Falls. Willamette Falls Heritage Foundation, 2006-2008. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

11) Draut, Amy. “Studying the Elwha River, Washington, in Preparation for Dam Removal.” Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter: Coastal and Marine Research News from across the USGS. (Nov./Dec. 2006) U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 2011. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

12) “History of Wind Energy.” Wind Energy. The Wind Coalition, 2012. Web. 11 May, 2012. <>

13) “The History of Solar.” U.S. Dept. of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Web. 14 May, 2012. <>

Made in Oregon

April showers bring May flowers, but sporadic patches of sunshine, warmth and blue sky remind us that the “rainy season” in Oregon will soon be drawing to a close – and that means more outdoor community gatherings, special events, and public markets!

Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) January 01, 1904, Special Annual Edition, PART ONE, Page 10, Image 10.

Here in Eugene, the Saturday Market has kicked off its 43rd season in the streets of downtown, providing an excellent outlet for goods created by local artists and craftspeople, and local farmers can now be found selling their produce and foodstuffs at the nearby Lane County Farmers’ Market, where the selection of edibles and plants will only continue to get better as summer approaches.

The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) July 24, 1922, Image 4.

The Eugene Producers Market, early ancestor of the Lane County Farmers’ Market, began in 1915 and was the first official public market in the Eugene area. Several Oregon cities and towns have a history of similar public markets, and today there are at least 120 farmers’ markets across the state (Landis).

Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) December 25, 1907, Image 11.

Not only do today’s public markets provide a good reason to mingle with others and enjoy the outdoors, they also serve to continue the long Oregon tradition of promoting locally-made goods and farmers’ markets. The following clip from Jacksonville’s Oregon Sentinel, one of our state’s earliest newspapers, reveals that buying local has been a priority for Oregon residents since as early as 1859:

Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) July 30, 1859, Image 3.

Support for farmers’ markets in the early 20th century can be traced through Oregon’s historic newspapers, from Bend:

The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) May 10, 1917, Image 1.

to Klamath Falls:

The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) August 25, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4.

as well as statewide:

The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) January 13, 1921, PAGE EIGHT, Image 8.

Anyone who has ventured out to one of these markets or bought produce directly from an Oregon farm or orchard knows that we arguably have the best tasting strawberries, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, apples, grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and  most definitely cherries, on earth…and the list goes on!

Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) July 08, 1909, The Cherry Fair Edition, Image 9.

In addition to the Farmers’ Market and Saturday Market, local “Art Walks” will become increasingly popular as the weather improves and more people opt to spend time outside mingling with the community.  The feeling that comes from buying locally grown and locally crafted goods, supporting your neighbors and socializing with the people who live in your town, is age-old and unmatched by things like online shopping and fast food, which, while convenient at times, often neglect communal well-being.

Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) July 29, 1912, SECOND EDITION,PAGE SIX, Image 6.

Among the many Oregon-made products that could be found for sale 100 years ago are things like:

Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) July 15, 1912, SECOND EDITION, PAGE SIX, Image 6.


ANDMedford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) July 29, 1912, SECOND EDITION, PAGE SIX, Image 6.

just to name a few. After all…

Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) January 01, 1901, ANNUAL NUMBER 1901, SECOND SECTION, Image 13.

…so we might as well responsibly enjoy the wealth of the land and the talents of the people that Oregon hosts, and help our neighbors and communities in the process!

The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) June 01, 1922, Image 5.

Wherever you happen to reside, let the beautiful spring and upcoming summer weather persuade you to venture outside, visit your local farmers’ market or art walks, and other events where you can buy local and support your community!

Research more about the history of public markets and goods made in Oregon by browsing and searching through Historic Oregon Newspapers, or learn more about other states’ farmers’ market histories and local products through a keyword search in Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.

Works Cited:

Landis, Rebecca. “Farmers’ Markets.” The Oregon Encyclopedia. Oregon Encyclopedia – Oregon History and Culture. Portland State University, 2008-2012. < >

Titanic Centennial

April 15, 2012 will mark the 100th anniversary of the Titanic shipwreck tragedy.

The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) April 16, 1912, Image 1.

The story of the Titanic has been told and re-told since 1912: The largest and most luxurious ship ever to be built in the history of humankind was thought to be “unsinkable.” Not only was the ship a giant, it was extravagant inside and out.

Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) April 16, 1912, FIRST EDITION, Image 1.
New-York tribune. (New York, N.Y.) April 21, 1912, Page 8, Image 24.

News of the Titanic’s size and accommodations was bubbling in the press even before the ship set sail:

The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) February 26, 1912, Image 12.

In accordance with ideals of the Edwardian era, class and luxury were of utmost importance, which is one of the reasons why it was decided that more than 20 lifeboats (enough to fit 1178 people when filled to capacity) would clutter the ship’s deck, even though there were about 2200 people on board. At the time, Board of Trade regulations had not yet caught up with the size of the Titanic, and existing laws only required passenger ships to carry enough lifeboats for 1060 people. But after all, who would need lifeboats on an unsinkable ship?

The San Francisco call. (San Francisco, Calif.) April 17, 1912, Page 5, Image 5.

Ironically and tragically, confidence in the infallible genius of man was shaken when the Titanic struck an iceberg in the north Atlantic after just five days at sea, and sank to the depths of the ocean, leaving only a fraction of its passengers – about 700 people – as survivors. When the news broke that the Titanic was not in fact “unsinkable,” newspaper reporters were on the scene to gather information and alert the world.

New-York tribune. (New York, N.Y.) April 18, 1912, Image 1.

Every generation has managed to find mystery and meaning in the gripping tale of the Titanic, and it continues to astonish people today. Stories surrounding the Titanic include survivors’ first-hand accounts of the disaster, detailing the anguish that they experienced as well as the bravery of those who lost their lives…

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, Ky.) April 24, 1912, Image 2.

…as well as speculation as to what happened and why, and how the huge loss could have been prevented…

The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) April 17, 1912, Image 6.

…and accounts of the ensuing investigation, including suspicion of male passengers who managed to survive, even though it was customary of the time to save “women and children first.”  It was widely believed to be preferable for a man to perish in a disaster rather than to survive and be considered a coward. For example, Captain Edward J. Smith was viewed as a hero for “going down” with his ship, whereas J. Bruce Ismay, chairman and managing director of the White Star Line, not only survived the wreck, but was held responsible for the disaster, and many American newspapers propagated this blame. Apparently it was Ismay who pressured Captain Smith to maintain full speed after the Titanic struck the infamous iceberg, causing the ship to sink so quickly that the majority of people on board could not be rescued.

New-York tribune. (New York, N.Y.) April 20, 1912, Image 1.

Several elements of the Titanic story have been consistently repeated over time and are well known by many people today, such as the lack of lifeboats and the many lifeboats that were only half full, the way in which the ship broke into two pieces as it sank, and how the band continued to play until the very last possible moment.

The times dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) April 28, 1912, Image 45.

As time has passed since the wreck, the story of the Titanic has been addressed in documentaries and Hollywood films, and after the discovery of the wreckage site in 1985, more recent narratives have focused on artifacts that have been identified or brought to the surface and examined, as well as exploration and scientific investigation of the wrecked ship itself.

New-York tribune. (New York, N.Y.) April 16, 1912, Image 1.

The story of the Titanic is tragic no doubt, but several positive consequences have stemmed from the event. For example, shortly after the Titanic sank, new laws were passed regulating the number of lifeboats required on big steamers, and people began to take safety measures more seriously.

Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) April 16, 1912, FIRST EDITION, PAGE SIX, Image 6.

Scientists have also been able to study the effects of the deep ocean ecosystem on the ship and vice versa, which has helped us to learn more about the mysterious ocean. For example, the Titanic was brand new when it sank, and so its current condition is strictly an effect of the ocean environment. Scientists have learned that micro-organisms have been thriving on the shipwreck, basically eating the iron and metabolizing the wreckage. It is predicted that eventually the ship will disintegrate completely, leaving nothing but its legacy, and newspaper articles of course, for future generations.

The times dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) April 18, 1912, Page 7, Image 7.

Countless additional articles and images related to the sinking of the Titanic can be found by searching the keyword “Titanic” in the Chronicling America and Historic Oregon Newspapers websites. For more information on the Titanic centennial, visit the website of the Titanic Historical Society.

Birds of a Feather

Now that spring has officially arrived, let’s continue with the theme of flight and turn our eyes to the skies once again for bird migration season.

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) August 28, 1904, PART FOUR, Page 30, Image 30.
Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) June 27, 1912, Image 2.

Birds of all kinds, like these Golden eagles, will soon be returning to their nests for the spring to hatch new chicks, if they haven’t already…

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) August 21, 1904, PART FOUR, Page 30, Image 30.

Bird migrations have presented many mysteries to those who have studied and observed their flights and behaviors. How do birds know when and where to go, and how do they communicate with each other? At one time it was believed that some migrating birds would spend their winters beneath the waves of the ocean.

The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) April 10, 1915, EVENING EDITION, MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 8, Image 16.

Apparently it was also once believed that birds used the stars as a map to guide them during night flights:

Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) November 23, 1905, Image 2.

As land-bound humans, it’s hard to know or even imagine where birds fly to, and how far some birds fly, during migration:

Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) June 12, 1911, PAGE FOUR, Image 4.

Although nature has some secrets that we may never learn, we now know a bit more than we used to about where birds go during the different seasons, thanks to increased observations and advances in science and technology. For example, photography has provided a reliable way to document the appearance, behavior, and habitat of countless bird species:

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) July 21, 1901, PART FOUR, Image 25.

Additionally, bird-banding has helped ornithologists track individual birds to see where they end up after they fly away, and the evolution of the Christmas Bird Count, a worldwide bird census that evolved from the match hunts of the 19th century, has provided extensive data on different bird species’ flight behaviors, habitats, and relationships to their surrounding environments over time. Today, bird observations recorded by region during the Christmas Bird Count are collected by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology at Cornell University, and the combined data reveals trends in bird population and migration patterns.

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) September 04, 1904, PART FOUR, Page 31, Image 31.

This spring, birds will be migrating all over the world, North America, and especially Oregon, since it is located along the Pacific Flyway bird migration flight path. Although birds can be seen in Oregon at any time of year, spring migration season can often bring special sights to the various regions of the state.

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) August 11, 1901, PART FOUR, Image 25.

Oregon’s Willamette Valley is an excellent habitat for birds, and a popular location for birdwatchers, in addition to the many forest homes that Oregon provides:

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) August 27, 1905, PART FOUR, Image 38.

Birds are not just entertaining, fun, and beautiful to watch, they are also an integral part of the earth’s ecosystem. Loss of natural habitats, excessive sport hunting, the killing of birds for their feathers, and threats from invasive species are just a few of the perils that birds have faced throughout history. Luckily, thanks to conservation-oriented organizations such as the Audubon Society, coupled with legislative action by the U.S. government, several bird species are still alive and thriving today.

Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) July 21, 1906, Image 8.

We also have the birds themselves to thank – many species have managed to adapt rather well to urban landscapes:

Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) March 10, 1903, Page 11, Image 11.

The people of Portland continue to show respect for birds through their Urban Migratory Bird Program. On behalf of our feathered friends, let’s keep up the good work, and happy birding!

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) September 10, 1905, PART FOUR, Page 40, Image 40.

“I realized that if I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes.”

– Charles Lindbergh

Flights of Fancy

The desire to fly, or at least a fascination with the idea of flight, seems to be a universal human trait. Flying is often associated with freedom – birds have the freedom to come and go as they please, effortlessly taking off into the sky on a whim – and perhaps because we do not have wings, in many cultures flying can represent mystery, magic, and power. Ancient stories from around the globe, such as the Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus, the legend of King Bladud of Britain, and the African story of Kibaga the warrior, reveal that humans have been dreaming of flying for ages. Centuries of careful thought, creativity and persistence have made it possible for us to actually achieve these dreams and create true modern day stories of humans that have taken to the skies.

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) May 04, 1902, PART FOUR, Page 27, Image 27.

While it can be fun to fly a kite or watch a boomerang soar through the air, it takes much more effort and invention to actually lift a human into the sky. The first successful ventures in modern aviation were made by hot air balloon and hydrogen balloon, as described in this brief timeline:

Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) October 08, 1903, Image 1.

Hot air balloons have a long history, and they are often brilliantly colored and exciting to see, especially en masse. It’s interesting that hot air balloons are a unique sight in modern skies, considering they have been around for longer than airplanes, which have become such a common sight that many people take them for granted today. In the United States, most people associate the history of aviation with the famous American Wright brothers, who launched the first successful assisted takeoff flying machine on December 17, 1903. Similarly, it was a pair of French brothers – Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier – who launched the first successful hot air balloon, thanks to the mischievous petticoat of one of their wives:

St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) August 27, 1909, Image 4.

While hot air and hydrogen balloons can defy gravity because they are lighter than air, functional aeronautical inventions that are heavier than air are even more impressive.

Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) October 27, 1906, Image 3.

The French are also accredited with the first successful attempts at the flight of the helicopter:

The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.)December 30, 1920, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6.

The airplanes that we are familiar with today have come a long way from the first experimental flight inventions.  Humans have never stopped working to achieve the power of flight, which is so seemingly effortless for birds…

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) March 11, 1906, PART FOUR, Page 39, Image 39.
The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) March 11, 1906, PART FOUR, Page 39, Image 39.

Many early flying machines resemble bicycles with wings. Flying in one of these contraptions might be compared to hang-gliding. However, it’s difficult to imagine riding a hang-glider all the way to the North Pole as American aviatrix Ruth Law (1887-1970) had planned to do:

The Times-herald (Burns, Harney County, Or.) April 26, 1919, SECTION TWO, Image 6.

Law enrolled in flight school in 1912 and bought her first aircraft from Orville Wright that same year. Not only did Law set the record flight time from Chicago to New York, she was also the first female authorized to wear a military uniform and she piloted the first official airmail delivery to the Philippines – and she is just one of the many notable women in aviation history.

One of the west coast’s most daring aviators of the 20th century, Silas Christofferson (1890-1916), is pictured here, ready for takeoff in his flying machine:

The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) October 16, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 3.

June of this year will mark the 100th anniversary of Christofferson’s famous Oregon flying stunt: In 1912, he successfully launched his biplane off of the roof of the Multnomah Hotel in Portland, and flew straight to Vancouver, Washington, making the 8 mile journey in 12 minutes.

The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) October 16, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 3.

Other triumphs in aviation can be found in the pages of history as well, paving the way for the flight system that we are familiar with today.

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) April 30, 1905, Page 3, Image 3.

After the first successes, people began to imagine bigger and better planes, as well as multiple uses for them:

Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) August 19, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5.
The Times-herald (Burns, Harney County, Or.) April 12, 1919, Image 2.

The trajectory of aerial inventions hasn’t stopped since. As airplanes and helicopters have become part of our everyday sky-scape, the world has turned its attention to even more far-reaching vistas with the invention of rockets and advances in extraterrestrial travel. Perhaps someday flying through outer space will seem just as ordinary as traveling in an airplane. Next stop – Pluto!

Happy Leap Year!

The times dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) February 29, 1908, Page 2, Image 2,

To some, 2012 is just another year, and February 29th is just another day. But then there are those of us, writer included, who find rare excitement in the 366th day that exists only once every four years in the Gregorian calendar. Well, that is, once every four years unless the year is evenly divisible by 100 and also not evenly divisible by 400…Confusing? This clip from The Daily morning Astorian helps to explain:

The Daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) February 28, 1884, Image 2,

Leap Years spice up the monotony of the common 365 day calendar, providing reasons for celebration and defiance of social norms, at least during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as covered by America’s historic newspapers. Dances and balls were often held in support of the tradition of Leap Year proposals, where women would propose marriage to the mate of their choice (discussed in one of our previous blogs: “Searching for Love in All the Right Pages”), and parties were thrown to celebrate the rare day. Leap Year proposals actually date back to the 17th century, and Leap Year newspaper feature writers still speculate about the tradition today.

The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) December 21, 1911, Image 1,
The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, Ky.) February 29, 1908, Page 2, Image 2,

Apparently, if a man were to refuse a woman’s marriage proposal on Leap Year day, he would be obligated to give the woman a silk gown and a kiss…but only if she was wearing a red petticoat when she popped the question. Of course, red petticoats, silk gowns, and strict gender roles are now antiquated notions, generally speaking. In today’s society, women can propose marriage, if they wish, on any day of any year, and women around the world now exercise freedoms that were once reserved for men only. For example, starting on February 29thof this year, the 19th annual Algarve Cup international women’s football tournament will be held in southern Portugal. The United States women’s national soccer team will be in attendance, among teams from several other countries. Also, modern women across the United States are free to vote in all political elections, and in fact, Oregon women have been eligible to vote since 1912, making 2012 the Oregon women’s suffrage centennial.  The political cartoon below illustrates an interesting relationship between leap year, traditions, and votes for women as perceived in 1920:

The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) January 13, 1920, Image 1,

Businesses have historically used Leap Year hype for advertising purposes, and consumers were free to celebrate the many sales that were held on Feb. 29thas well. While several businesses continue to offer deals on Leap Year day, it’s doubtful that we will ever see a 29 cent sale in the 21st century.

Los Angeles herald. (Los Angeles, Calif.) February 29, 1908, Page 12, Image 12,

While social traditions and market prices provide interesting food for thought this leap year, it is impossible to overlook the most curious implication of Leap Year day, which applies to all of the people born on Feb. 29th!  What is it like to technically only have a birthday every four years, if that?

Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) March 07, 1901, Image 3,

Surely  you could celebrate on Feb. 28th or March 1st, but would it be the same? The limited occurrence of February 29th must make Leap Year birthdays all the more special…

St. Paul daily globe. (Saint Paul, Minn.) February 29, 1896, Image 1,

While “Leaplings” or “Leapers” – as people born on Feb. 29th are often called – do not have a precise birth date anniversary every year, they do have the privilege of being the only people who can join the Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies.

The Guthrie daily leader. (Guthrie, Okla.) February 29, 1904, Image 1,

One thing is certain: babies born on February 29, 1916 in Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, gained an advantage over the rest of us thanks to their rare birth date:

The day book. (Chicago, Ill.) February 29, 1916, LAST EDITION, Image 25,

As the world continues to leap and bound into the future, remember that 100 years ago on Feb. 29th, people across the nation were celebrating the special day.

The times dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) February 29, 1912, Page 9, Image 9,

What will people be saying about Leap Year 100 years from now? Will they be looking back at our current newspapers to find interesting Leap Year clips? Perhaps we should start some new Leap Year traditions this year to give them something more to think about? Until then, happy birthday to all of the Leaplings out there, and have a happy and safe Leap Year!


Also, in the spirit and honor of Black History Month, don’t forget that content from the Portland New Age, Oregon’s first African American newspaper, from 1896-1907, is available for searching and browsing online through Historic Oregon Newspapers, and offers a unique perspective on the history of African American culture in Oregon. A brief essay on the history of the New Age can be found here: .

Search and browse through historic African American newspapers from all states here: .

Presidential Precedents

As the 2012 presidential campaigns continue to attract media attention, federal recognition of Washington’s Birthday (also known as Presidents’ Day in Oregon and other states) on the third Monday in February leads us to reflect upon the past presidents of the United States, naturally starting with George Washington. As the nation’s first president, Washington has received ample attention in history classrooms across the country as well as in the pages of Oregon’s historic newspapers, not to mention tributes to Washington at the national capital and his image on the dollar bill.

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) February 21, 1904, PART FOUR, Page 30, Image 30

Over time, Washington has developed a reputation as a hero – a legendary, larger than life leader who took it upon himself to assure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the American people. Despite this romantic notion, Washington was indeed a human man, and his efforts would have been futile without the support of his colleagues and constituents. A humanizing element is added to Washington’s story when we remember that he had a family (learn more about Martha Dandridge Custis Washington):

Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) February 22, 1893, Image 3,

And even the Commander in Chief needed to seek shelter during the Revolutionary War:

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) February 18, 1906, PART FOUR, Image 48,

After the Revolutionary War was won, the U.S. Constitution was ratified and Washington was elected president and served two terms. According to the White House Historical Association, “to his disappointment, two parties were developing by the end of his first term. Wearied of politics, feeling old, he retired at the end of his second. In his Farewell Address, he urged his countrymen to forswear excessive party spirit and geographical distinctions. In foreign affairs, he warned against long-term alliances” (Beschloss and Sidey).

Washington set the first presidential example and since has been a prominent role model for America’s presidents, but do people today continue to base their vote on the policies, philosophy, or likeness of Washington, as expressed in this assertion about Warren G. Harding?

Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) August 28, 1920, Image 1,

Either way, it’s interesting to think about the values and reasons that guide our presidential choices. Would the history of the United States be much different if perhaps one of these proposed candidates had been elected as opposed to Warren G. Harding in the 1920 Presidential Election?

The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) June 13, 1919, PAGE 6, Image 6,

Or what if the Democratic nominee, newspaper publisher James M. Cox, had won the election? Would the history of America’s newspapers be any different?


Washington laid the stepping stones for all of the nation’s future presidents, and he initiated many of the presidential traditions that are still practiced today:

The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) February 26, 1905, PART FOUR, Page 33, Image 33,

While many American traditions have persisted over time, much has changed since Washington’s reign, so you might wonder – what would Washington think or say if he were here today?

The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) February 22, 1922, Page Four, Image 4,


The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) February 22, 1922, Page Three, Image 3,

It is no wonder that Washington tends to get the most attention on Presidents’ Day, which is also a celebration of his birthday, but don’t forget about all of the other influential presidents in history! For example, February 22nd may be Washington’s birthday, but Abraham Lincoln was also born this month on February 12th:

Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) February 13, 1903, Image 7,
Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) February 12, 1910, Image 1,

Presidential recognition and speculation has become a national tradition in the United States, as can be traced through historic newspapers. This year on Washington’s Birthday/Presidents’ Day, in addition to searching the Chronicling America and Historic Oregon Newspapers websites for the name of your favorite pre-1923 president, take some time to think about all of the American traditions that have remained in place over the years, as well as the dynamic social and political changes that have occurred in the United States since Washington’s day. And don’t forget that behind every president – past, present, and future – stands we, the people.

Works Cited:

Beschloss, Michael and Hugh Sidey. “George Washington.” The Presidents of the United States of America. White House Historical Association, 2009. < >