Historic newspaper pages from the Pendleton East Oregonian: E.O. are now available on Historic Oregon Newspapers online from March 1, 1888 through Oct. 1, 1914!

Officially incorporated in 1880, Pendleton is located in Umatilla County, adjacent to the Umatilla Indian Reservation, and is the home of the famous annual Pendleton Round-Up Rodeo, which began in 1910. A keyword search for the words “Pendleton Round Up” within 5 words of each other on the Historic Oregon Newspapers “Search” page turns up over 1500 result pages!

The E.O. began as a daily publication in 1888 and has continued to provide news coverage for the citizens of eastern Oregon to the present day. Learn more about the E.O. on our Historic Oregon Newspapers “History” page, which contains historic essays about the E.O. and other early Oregon newspaper titles.

Content from the E.O. and other Oregon titles is also available via the Library of Congress’ Chronicling America website, along with historic newspapers from several other states!
Stay tuned for more new content, and happy searching!