Latest Project Updates

  • We are pleased to announce that we have now filled the vacancies on our Advisory Board! Welcome to new members Martha Wells and William Lang. Martha is the former publisher (recently retired) of the Albany Democrat Herald in Albany, Oregon. Bill is Professor of History at Portland State University and Executive Editor of the Oregon Encyclopedia. We are thrilled to have recruited such well-qualified Advisers, and confident that they will provide well-informed perspectives and much valuable input as we continue to move forward with our project.
  • In other good news, last week ODNP was gifted with $250 from a private donor who wishes to remain anonymous. This is sufficient to fund the digitization of about 250 pages of historic newspaper content (i.e. $1 = 1 page; the math is pretty simple!) In order for ODNP to continue adding historic content to the web resource, we will need to rely on a number of funding resources. The contributions of individual donors will be a vital part of the puzzle as we cope with the current budgetary challenges in Salem and Washington, DC. Thank you, private donor!

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